Animals killed for their fur are often raised on fur farms, where they are sometimes kept in deplorable conditions in cramped cages. When the time comes for them to be killed for their fur, they are often killed by neck-breaking, gassing or poisoning.
Some animals are trapped using leg-hold traps, which are so cruel that they have been outlawed in some countries. Leg-hold traps often clamp down on the animal's leg/foot, injuring them and leaving them at risk of dying due to exposure, predation or, if not found and killed quickly, starvation, thirst, disease and/or infection. When the trapper arrives to kill the animal, they will often kill them by suffocation or beating. Drowning sets kill by drowning semi-aquatic animals like mink, beavers and muskrats. Conibear traps are supposed to be "instant-kill" traps but, if the "wrong" animal happens upon one of them, the result can be a slow and agonising death.
Despite all of this cruelty, and despite the fact that real fur from animals always involves the death of the animal, some companies and businesses still continue to sell real fur, even in countries like the U.K. and the USA. Some companies may claim to only use "ethical" fur, but this probably still involves unnecessary killing and is, therefore, unnacceptable.
Please stop selling real fur for fashion. If you are in a position of power with the power to do so, outlaw the killing of animals for their fur just for fashion. I can justify someone wearing fur out of necessity for their own survival, but killing animals unnecessarily just for fashion is unnacceptable in my mind.
Thank you.