Reclassify Animals from "Property" to "Living Beings" Under the Law
We, the people of the United States of America are demanding that Animals be recognized as “living beings” regarding the animal laws in all cities, counties and, states in the nation.
We believe that the “property” classification only condones animal abuse and cruelty as the penalties of such crimes cannot be rightfully prosecuted in our court systems.
We also believe that this immoral classification only encourages those who inflict pain and suffering upon animals to continue as the penalties do not carry serious recourse against the abuser and their actions.
We believe the reclassification of Animals to “living beings” will allow our court systems to compel the foundation to reinforce the laws accordingly.
Animal abuse and cruelty exists in the form of physical abuse, mental abuse, neglect, starvation, over breeding, dog fighting, sexual abuse, tethering, murder and other extreme acts against a living being causing pain and suffering.
Animals are not “property”.
Animals have hearts that beat, minds that think and physically endure the pain inflicted upon them just as any human would. The only difference is that animals cannot make claims of such abuse without the intervention of pet owners, advocates, rescuers, and animal control officers. Even then with proof of the abuse, our court system is bound by the law which classifies the animal nothing more than an item. This must change…and must change NOW!
So “We the People” undersigned are demanding that all Animal Laws recognize animals as living beings instead of property in order to allow for the proper prosecution of those who commit animal cruelty in any form.
Update #16 years ago
Please continue to share this very important petition for the will make a difference if we demand these changes. Thanks...Donna with OHBT
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