Get rid of the electoral college NOW. Choose the president by popular vote

  • by: Left Action
  • recipient: Federal and state officials

It's time to get rid of the electoral college, and choose the president by the national popular vote. The winner should be the WINNER -- the one who got the most votes. Period. And we should make this happen NOW.

This is a lot more doable than people think. Yes, we can do this via Constitutional amendment, which is a high hurdle, but states can also choose to award their electors to the national popular vote winner. And if enough make that choice, the national vote winner will be elected every time.

17 states have already agreed to do this, once there are enough states to secure a majority. And with just a few more states on board, we'll have it.

This can happen, and we can make it happen. We can end the stupidity, and welcome democracy.

Add your name: Get rid of the electoral college NOW, and choose the president by popular vote.

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