Help Mansfield Wildlife Rescue To Continue To Help Wildlife
Need your Help!
We are a small, home based, self funded rescue in Mansfield Woodhouse. We take in all injured and orphaned wildlife, both in the local community and from surrounding counties.
Our small garden rescue is now expanding as people learn of our work and we desperately need to move the rescue to larger premises to continue to be able to offer our help to both the public and the numerous vets who use us for wildlife casualties.
We are petitioning the council to let us have the use of the Old Plant Nursery down in Pleasley Vale. We can re-open the tea room and make it a place the community of Woodhouse can be proud of.
We have heard the council are looking at this area for housing/development. This would not only spoil the natural beauty of the Vale for both current residents and our younger generation, but would put wildlife and many species of plants at risk.
Please support us by signing our petition, support your local wildlife rescue and keep the Vale out of the hands of the developers.
Cheryl Martins
Mansfield Wildlife Rescue.
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