Mayor Tory,
No fines are issued for destroying old growth magnificent trees that the community loves. Even on public lands shady builders can get whatever they want. No one comes out to verify anything. Destruction of newly planted trees or protected trees goes on every day, everywhere. On the front page of 311 it is written: "Trees of all diameters on private property within Ravine Protection Areas of the City of Toronto, are protected under the provisions of City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 658, Ravines." But they are being systematically destroyed, without consequence, and never replaced. What will it take to fix this?
Stop the destruction of Willows in Willowdale and across the city! Start planting willows back. This was the most majestic and healthy willow on ravine land, the only one left that hasn't been chopped up. It was permitted to be removed for only $26.00 by the Tree Protection and Plan Review. Do you know that no one can call them to inspect or enforce the law? I have tried many times. There is no response from anyone in this city, either before or after hearing chain saws for weeks – just the same old talk and no action we know too well.
Has anyone enforced the anti-idling by-laws ever in this city? That would be a shock. Climate change and our declining air quality ratings are real. Just about all cities in Canada have anti-idling campaigns. Not Toronto – that's for sure! City trucks idle all day and "idling gets you nowhere".
Trees aren't only for beauty and enjoyment, they take up CO2 and produce oxygen.