Fire the Man Who Let a Convicted Child Sex Trafficker Off Easy

  • by: Kevin Mathews
  • recipient: White House Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney

Before becoming Trump's secretary of labor, Alexander Acosta served as a U.S. attorney in Miami. During that time, Acosta was in charge of prosecuting Jeffrey Epstein for sexually abusing and sex trafficking roughly 80 underage girls.

But he did everything in his power to let a child sex trafficker off easy.

Despite this heinous nature of these crimes, the "deal" Acosta negotiated was to have Epstein serve 13 months in prison, while also having "work release," which allowed him to report to an office for 12 hours a day, six days a week. In addition, Epstein was immune from subsequent charges and an FBI investigation into the scope of Epstein's sex trafficking ring was abruptly ended.

In February, this deal was ruled illegal by a Florida judge, because it violated the victims' rights by not informing them of the shady nonprosecution agreement. That case is now being reanalyzed. But now, Epstein has just been arrested again on fresh charges of running an underage sex trafficking ring with girls as young as fourteen.  When officers raided his New York home in July, they found thousands of pornographic paraphrenalia exploiting young women.

Acosta, allowed his buddy Epstein off the hook.  He turned his back on the victims and allowed him to continue to break the law and abuse young women. This is not a man that should be holding one of the most important positions in the Trump White House. Especially in light of the fact that the Department of Labor is in charge of overseeing human trafficking issues. Acosta needs to be removed from this position ASAP. To let him to stay is to condone Epstein and Acosta's behavior and bring shame to our government. 

We call on Trump and acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to fire Acosta NOW. 

Update #25 years ago
Coward Trump didn ́t fire Acosta but due to pressure from people like you he has resigned. Thanks to all of you for signing. You can take further action to fight against Trump's agenda by sharing this petition.
Update #15 years ago
A federal judge has just ruled that the lenient deal Alexander Acosta cut was illegal. Please share this petition with 5 friends so we can keep the pressure on the White House to remove Acosta immediately.
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