Why there should be a combined remake of path of radiance and radiant dawn

Fire Emblem path of radiance and Radiant Dawn are unique and gave many gamers a good impression of fire emblem. Path of radiance was Awesome but it could always expand and improve. For example the Difficulty modes. In My Opinion Hard Mode is not difficult. Improving Artificial Intelligence and giving Skills (Not to Overpowered) to computers. Adding Lunatic Mode and Lunatic Plus Mode to the Combined Remake would work wonders. Also The Pair up System from Fire Emblem Awakening and Dates would also make things in treating and more difficult as Enemies can pair up... Which would be nice. Also Regarding Ena the link Dragon perhaps you could give The Skill Ignis. Which was Skill learned by Grandmasters in fire Emblem Awakening. That could be Ena New Unique Skill. Which would allow her to use Magic as an Offense.

For The Radiant Dawn section.. There has been many errors in radiant dawn and stay Flaws in my opinion

Muriam and Must share the same uno on the library. Also Tomrod, Muriam, and Vika make Reappearance too late in the Game in part 4 to fully utilize their potential. The same goes to Ena and Kurthnaga... They were introduced too late to fully be effective. Giving them Breath Weapon Level of A made sense at all. I feel adding more chapters to Radiant part would be beneficial for characters. Also Mist Unique weapon Florete need improving the Weapon info stated it uses Magic... But it does not do so and use Strength instead. Also Support Conversation could be expanded as well... The support conversation are bland and generic in radiant dawn. However path of radiance was excellent at support conversation showing parts of each characters personality.
It would be absolutely wonderful to see that in Radiant Dawn. Also Fiona and Meg Could use some buffs in part 1. Volug need stat growth improvement in strength considering he only hae a 25% growth in strength.

The normal Wolf class is not really balanced in my opinion Volug max speed star while shifted is only 36 which means a Cat that has a Speed of 40 would double hit him. In My opinion a Normal Wolf class should have max speed stat of 38 and better defense than a Cat laguz. A Royal Wolf Laguz should have a Max Speed Stat of 42... Not 42. For Royal Lion Laguz class. The speed stat should be 38 and not 40. Also it would be nice to include more CGI Cut Scene. The Last thing to point that Final battle between Ike and the Black Knight in part 4 was underwhelming in terms of difficulty compared to the battle in path of radiance.

But anyway Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn has so much potential as a remake being released on 3DS and/or Wii U

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