Call for IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION of Susquehanna Township Superintendents

  • by: STSD Community Group
  • recipient: Superintendent Susan Kegerise, Assistant Superintendent Cathy Taschner and Assistant Superintendent Kimberly Donahue

In light of the Grand Jury report of January 30, 2014, you are called upon to resign your positions immediately. Our community has lost trust in your ability to lead the district effectively, to protect children, and to ensure a quality education for the students. Your resignations would allow our wounded community to begin to heal. The district's current and future well-being hinge on the community's confidence in its leadership. We no longer have that confidence. As STSD stakeholders--residents, taxpayers, parents, former parents, staff members, former staff members, students, or alumni, who care deeply about the success of the district, we have no recourse but to call for your immediate resignations. (PLEASE indicate in the COMMENT section your CONNECTION to the district (taxpayer, parent, alumni, student, etc.) Each signature requires a unique email address.  Sometimes there is a delay before a signature appears and there could be a change in the number assigned based on who else is signing. PLEASE check back to make sure your name appears on the list. If it does not, try again. Thank you!)

In light of the Grand Jury report of January 30, 2014, you are called upon to resign your positions immediately. Our community has lost trust in your ability to lead the district effectively, to protect children, and to ensure a quality education for the students. Your resignations would allow our wounded community to begin to heal. The district's current and future well-being hinge on the community's confidence in its leadership. We no longer have that confidence.  As STSD stakeholders--residents, taxpayers, parents, former parents, staff members, former staff members, students, or alumni,  who care deeply about the success of the district, we have no recourse but to call for your immediate resignations. (PLEASE indicate in the COMMENT section, your CONNECTION to the district (taxpayer, parent, alumni, student, etc.). Each signature requires a unique email address.  Sometimes there is a delay before a signature appears and there could be a change in the number assigned based on who else is signing. PLEASE check back to make sure your name appears on the list. If it does not, try again. Thank you!)

Update #311 years ago
We are over 700 signatures and just 5 days away from the petition CLOSING! Have your spouse, your children over 12, your parents, your friends, coworkers, and neighbors signed? Invite ALL STSD stakeholders that you know. Encourage your contacts to sign and to verify that their signature appears on the petition website, as many have THOUGHT they signed, only to find their signature missing. 700 signatures is a powerful statement. 1000 is MORE powerful! Thanks in advance for your help!
Update #211 years ago
In one week, we've collected over 600 signatures, along with insightful comments. Thank you for your role in this. We want to make a strong statement, and we need your assistance to get to 1000 signatures. Please copy the URL into an email and send to friends who are STSD stakeholders and share your reasons for signing the petition. Many people are underinformed about the multitude of issues facing the district. Please enlighten them and encourage them to sign. Let's keep up the momentum!
Update #111 years ago
Thanks for being among the first 300+ signatures in just 24 hours. Let's provide over a thousand signatures. Have your spouse, friends, children, neighbors, email contacts---any STSD stakeholder sign and share this petition. There is strength in numbers. If nothing else, this petition gives hope to the teachers and to the families in STSD that the community is advocating for them. Thank you again for your willingness to "become the change."
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