It sucks to be a possum in New Zealand. Cars swerve to hit you. Guns point toward you. People feed you little green pellets that taste like cinnamon, only afterwards they taste like poison death. Plus, no one ever gets your name right.
But if you are a possum, brace yourself: it's about to suck more. New Zealanders are rallying to launch an all-out war against their furry foes, following a scientist's dying vision for a "pest free New Zealand" Those pests include (take a breath): rabbits, rats, weasels, cats, stoats, goats, deer, and hedgehogs ... but mostly, possums. "It's a pretty easy sell said zoologist Nicola Toki, a passionate supporter of the plan who works for the Animal Health Board "We relate our national identity to our native wildlife and yet everybody hates possums.
Some of these animals who have been poisoned will die in the rivers and streams which also contaminates the water and to think New Zealand bottles and distributes this water. Everything is connected.
There is no excuse in the world that one can validate for killing any creature regardless of the damage we think they do to native species and environment.
Possums were introduced to New Zealand why should they have to suffer the result of human error? New Zealand what a joke.
This is what needs to happen. We need to conduct a mass aerial drop of fruit producing seeds over the native New Zealand bush such as BlueBerries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Passionfruit, etc. the reality is possums love fruit and so do rats and birds. New Zealand does not have an abundance of fruit for its wildlife in the bush and this is why possums and rats turn to such things as eating bird eggs. To help the native birds we must first help the possum by working with the environment and offering a new abundance for them to eat such as fruit baring seeds. After so long they will discover this and their habits will change. Birth control alone will not work as they need the food they have been deprived of by being introduced to New Zealand.
I encourage tourist to pledge to this. Animal cruelty is a growing concern in New Zealand.
I have decided to share a link to this New Zealand documentary in hopes you share and wake up the world about New Zealands evil hand toward its wildlife.
Poisoning Paradise
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