Cubs were Poisoned to death in Islamabad Zoo NOW Lions are kept separated & isolated

  • by: A Sleem
  • recipient: Prime Minister Imran Khan

For years Islamabad's zoo administration have been criticised for negligence and cruelty to animals.

The administration control of Islamabad zoo was changed in (2016) from Capital Development Authority (CDA) to Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI). Even though a change with thin the administration the frequent deaths of animals & cruelty continue.

In 2016, pair of African lions male and female was brought to Islamabad Zoo under the Exchange of Birds and Animals Programme from the Punjab government.

WHICH brought up MANY question's over the zoo competence to look after these lions. Does Islamabad Zoo have some expert on behavior of big cats? What diet are they going to fed? Are their surroundings of a natural habitat?

One would think with the long list of questions being asked that the lions would be given special treatment and care. This is not the case. In 2016, the African lioness gave birth to 2 still-born cubs and then repeatedly again without a medical check-up. A birth announcement was made saying she had given birth to 4 cubs on June 23, 2017. But the animals were short lived, and in less than a month on July 12, 2017 all the cubs died.

An inquiry was done and the cubs were hand-fed a high intake of Welmingnch milk.

Director Veterinary Dr Bilal Khijli claims the lioness distanced herself from her cubs and stopped feeding them. An alternate lioness milk is very costly to import and not available in Pakistan, so authorities were left with no other option but to feed them Welmingnch artificial milk and it requires a specific process of diluting quantity of powder with water due to the lactose.

Carnivores are lactose intolerant. This was a slow, painful poison for the baby cubs.

This led to:

  • yellowish diarrhea
  • temperature of 103 F
  • they were lethargic/weak
  • dehydrated
  • Death

These cubs died due to mismanagement, lack of oversight and poor administration.

Islamabad zoo DO NOT even have the proper resources to facilitate "Conservation of Captive Breeding" Why are they breeding? There is no wild life expert at Islamabad zoo and they have a responsibility to insure that births are carefully planned.

Instead of providing the lioness a complete medical and mental health check-up , now for the past several months they have separated the lions apart to prevent them from mating. Which begs the questions ! wouldn't it be more responsible to SPAY the lioness to prevent future pregnancies or health issues instead of isolating the pair?   https:

There Are so Many BIGGER Problems here

  • RECENTLY Aug/2018 - The Fencing around a deer enclosure was not properly secured, it allowed a wolf to enter killing 5 deers and left 1 with very serious injuries.
  • Visitors report animals look lethargic with untreated injuries weaving back and forth a term called "zoochosis" a mental illness.
  • Media have been reporting for over a decade on the negligence and cruelty by zoo administration and that animal deaths have become routine a thing!
  • Zoo lacks proper facilities for the animals (safety issues for animals & visitors)
  • No wild life expert
  • All exhibits are unnatural with no enrichment never updated to a more natural environment they are kept filthy , with little to no water
  • For years visitors, media and activists have campaigned on the treatment of an endangered Asian elephant named Kaavan . His mahout making the elephant beg to earn tips from visitors by selling his food to the public to feed him. Kaavan is kept in chains for hours standing in an empty cement pool. 

In the past activists who spoke up for Kaavan saying that he is suffering from isolation and mental illness were physically beaten by zoo employees .

  • In 2012 at a very young age a 20-year-old female elephant named Saheli passed away due to animal cruelty and neglect , the mahout would offer elephant rides and photographs with Saheli to paying customers she was continuously chained. ( this is the same mahout who is currently in charge of Kaavan )
  • Zoo administration have tried to ban media from the zoo
  • Hundreds of birds , zebras, ostrich, nilgai and urials have died due to cruelty or lack of awareness by employees.
  • In July 2018 a critically endangered Himalayan bear died living in complete misery isolated & neglected

A total of 21 animals, and birds have died between 2016-2017 that we know of and hundreds prior to that. Islamabad zoo location is in the capitol city and supposed to be model for other cities across Pakistan.

Proper attention is not being given to the management of zoos, these are sensitive animals and their needs are not being met these unnecessary deaths and cruelty issues are ongoing.

A former offer was made by "Free The Wild" / to Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad & the mayor of Islamabad to help bring Islamabad Zoo to the 21st century at no cost to Pakistan.

These conversations halted when the chairman of CDA/Mayor was removed due to conflict of interest with thin their own government panel.

Please Sign Petition as we call on Higher Authorities

There's a New Prime Minister in Pakistan Imran Khan and he brings a positive message #NayaPakistan ( english translation ; New Pakistan) with his attention on this pressing matter he can make this happen.

Team Kaavan /Animal Welfare Worldwide/ 

Denise Coenraadts, Diana Munoz, Umm E. Kulsoom, Umer Inam, Anika Sleem

#TeamKaavan #IslamabadZoo #CaptivityKills #AnimalWelfareWorldWide #Pakistan #AnimalRights #Islamabad

Update #34 years ago
We have now learned as of April 15,2020

The government has made the Ministry of Climate Change responsible for Islamabad Zoo.
Update #26 years ago
The Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI) has conditionally decided to release Kavaan, the lone elephant at Marghazar Zoo, if an international charity organisation ( Free The Wild ) provides help for up gradation of the zoo talks between the MCI, Marghazar Zoo and the international charity organisation had been going on for months.
Update #16 years ago
Islamabad 19/11/2018: Following a number of high level discussions, with the Pakistan Government, Free The Wild (a charitable trust formed by multi award winning singer and actress Cher, and her friends Mark and Gina Cowne & Team Kaavan a significant meeting was held with Minister Fawad Hussain Chaudhry to discuss the Islamabad Zoo ( copy paste link )

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