The oceans have been polluted for years, and now is the time to finally end it for good. The use of unsafe chemicals and production methods have made the oceans unclean, and more importantly unsafe for animals to live in. Plastic is a particularly dangerous material for fish and marine animals. Small organisms like fish can get trapped in plastic bottles and soda rings. Not properly disposing of plastic has caused an issue for animals. Although plastic has been around for many years, other alternatives for it should be looked into. It is the 21st century and we now have the technology that could change the world. New materials could take over the plastic industry and all of its damaging ways. Biodegradable plastic is a material that could replace original plastic completely. It is made of corn, which is a highly productive crop. When this material is placed in landfills or in the soil it acts just like any other natural material, it decomposes. With the help of organisms, mostly bacteria, it breaks down. If it is put into landfills with nondecomposable waste, it helps break them down. I started this petition for companies and industries all over the world to realize the problem that they are causing and for them to switch to safer ways of production. More importantly for them to stop using and abusing plastic and make big changes for the overall health of the ocean.