Demand Justice for Cooper!! Vet in Cape Breton Euthanized a Healthy Dog by mistake!!
Cooper a gorgeous healthy Husky was scheduled to have his sore foot examined by a Vet at Highland Animal Clinic in Cape Breton..this Vet never looked at his chart! There were 2 dogs to be euthanized that day and this Vet chose Cooper who required nothing more than ointment!!! He killed Cooper by mistake and left his owners in trauma! They were not allowed in the clinic examining room ! The Vet assistant knew all about Cooper and his sore paw but assisted in the euthanasia! We all want Justice for Cooper and the inhumane act that was committed! Both by both the Vet and assistant! Both licences should immediately be revoked and compensation be given to the owners for this Horrific tragedy! Nothing can bring Cooper back and the scars left on his family will be never ending! I plead for you to sign this petition! In Kindness for Animal Rights ! April Sneddon for Arlene and Cooper's Family xo
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