Demand An End to Abusive Puppy Mills Now!
Puppy mills and Backyard Breeders are an excessive issue today in America. There are an estimated 10,000 puppy mills and backyard breeders in the U.S. alone, and the said thing is, they are completely legal. All ‘legal’ breeders must be liscensed by the USDA, which has very loose regulations and guidelines. These guidelines allow dogs to live in cages their entire lives, only being taken out for breeding, they also allow dogs to live in stacked cages, covered in feces, never getting proper mental and physical stimulation. We need to spread awareness, help the USDA investigate these breeders. The USDA has a mere 180 investigators for thousands of illegal breeders. By signing this petition, we can help show the masses who care about this issue, and maybe even put an end to puppy mills.
In the mean time, things you can do to help end puppy mills include the following.
First consider adopting from a shelter or rescue
If you do not adopt, do research on a responsib breeder.
Do not buy from stores who sell dogs. Unless they came from the local shelter, they are from a puppy mill.
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