Betsy DeVos, sworn in today as Education secretary, is ignorant of public education, has plagiarized some of her responses to the Senate's questions in vetting her for the position, has donated substantial sums of money to the senators who voted for her (which, I believe, constitutes bribery, which is illegal), and perhaps worst of all, has expressed her intention to ignore the separation of church and state that is a vital element of our democracy. She has said plainly that she wants to use the United States education system to advance "God's Kingdom." It is unconstitutional to do that! As a citizen of the United States, I feel personally injured by this; using public education to teach children to favor one religion (in this case Christianity) over another, or to favor religious faith over no faith at all, also teaches, not only by implication but (we know from incidents all over the country) to disrespect people who are not Christian, or are not theists at all. I am an atheist. I feel personally threatened by DeVos's plan. My goal is simple: impeach her. She is ignorant, dishonest and dangerous. If you are a congressperson, begin impeachment proceedings immediately. If you are a member of the Education Department, resist her agenda, and petition, like me, for her impeachment.