Broken Wing the disabled Canadian goose
❤️Meet Broke Wing, the Canadian goose out at lake tobo arrowhead rv camp. I need help trying to get someone who will help the goose. If this was a wounded or abused dog I would not need to beg for help. Park is non responsive, even though the geese are a part of park. I've been told sometime you just have to let nature take its course. This is not a suitable answer. I've contacted over 25 different sources. there are actually rehab for wildlife centers that will take him but employee from lake have to take goose. Park just gives me the run around. All I get is we will check. I volunteered to take goose, but I'm not allowed. What would you do? Just one look at him trying to get around, eat, swim, etc will break your heart. Not even considering he is left alone from other geese who avoid him. A game warden, David, took a close look at bird. Wing not broken but deformed over time. Caused by being feed to much bread causing a calcium build up. He is surviving and if we can get signs put up in park to advise people not to feed the geese they all will be fine. I am trying to get a petition to get DONT FEED WILDLIFE AT ARROWHEAD RV PARK LAKE TOBO SIGN PUT UP.
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