I support the cause to have a nonviolent code of conduct for the police. During the rise of Fascist leadership the leaders are only as strong as those who follow their orders. A strict police code of conduct must be adhered to; this is why this pledge was formulated. As a person of sound mind, I recognize the need for a pledge for police conduct to protect and defend human rights laws in my community and neutralize fascism.
With this pledge it will spread to all from local to Federal police departments to stop Fascism.
Pledge to:
*do all within my power to maintain the peace and tranquility of my community to prevent human rights violations, harm or violence. I will adhere to all human rights laws as listed in Local and Federal government.
*Protect and defend Human Rights Law (OHR), Equality Act of 1963 Ensure the Federal Protection of LGBTQI identified citizens,
*Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended
*Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
*Age Discrimination in Employment Act
*Pregnancy Discrimination Act
1. DC Human Rights Act of 1977 (DCHRA)
*Amendments to DCHRA:
*Employment Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Offenses, and Stalking *Amendment Act (DVSOS)
*Eviction Record Sealing and Fairness in Renting Act (added sealed eviction record as a protected trait and expanded source of income protections)
*Fair Credit in Employment Act
*Human Rights Enhancement Act
*Racial Equity Achieves Results Amendment Act
*Human Rights Act Regulations - Title 4
2. Care for LGBTQ Seniors and Seniors Living with HIV Amendment Act
3. DC Family and Medical Leave Act (DCFMLA)
4. DC Language Access Act of 2004
5. DC Parental Leave Act
6. Domestic Worker Employment Rights Amendment Act of 2022
7. Eviction Record Sealing and Fairness in Renting Act (provisions on tenant screening)
8. Fair Criminal Record Screening Amendment Act
9. Fair Criminal Record Screening for Housing Act
10. Open Movie Captioning Requirement Amendment Act of 2024
11. Protecting Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PPWFA)
12. Sexual Harassment Data Collection Act
13. Universal Paid Leave Amendment Act
14. Unemployed Anti-Discrimination Act
15. Tipped Wage Workers Fairness Act
16. Youth Bullying Prevention Act
Additional laws that have been passed but are awaiting funding in order to be enforced by OHR:
*Cannabis Employment Protections Act
*Medical Necessity Restroom Access Act
As a public servant with the duty of officer I pledge to not participate in:
1. A Fascist dictatorship rule of law or orders
2. Unnecessary use of force or torture
3. Criminalizing the poor or homeless
4. Crimes against humanity Crimes against humanity are acts that are committed as part of a systematic attack on a civilian population. These crimes include:
*Murder: Killing a person
*Extermination: Killing a group of people
*Enslavement: Forcibly taking control of another person
*Deportation: Forcibly moving people away from their homes
*Imprisonment: Violating international law by severely depriving people of their liberty
*Torture: Causing serious injury or suffering to a person's body or health
*Rape: Sexual violence against a person
*Sexual slavery: Forcibly sexually exploiting a person
*Persecution: Targeting a group of people based on their identity
*Enforced disappearance: Forcibly removing a person from their community
*Apartheid: A system of institutionalized discrimination
Other inhumane acts: Acts that cause serious harm to a person's mental or physical health
5. War Crimes
*Willful killing: Killing people intentionally
*Torture: Inhuman treatment, including biological experiments
*Destruction of property: Wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages
*Compelled service: Forcing people to serve in hostile forces
*Denial of a fair trial: Preventing people from receiving a fair trial
*Unlawful deportation: Deporting people without just cause
*Taking of hostages: Holding people captive against their will
*Recruitment of children: Using children to participate in hostilities
*Recruitment of children: Using children to participate in hostilities
*Genocide: Killing members of a national, ethnic, or religious group with the intent to destroy it
*Planning a war of aggression: Starting a war in violation of international agreements
As a public servant of peace I choose to make these pledges to leave a personal legacy for the greater good of all.
I commit I will further this pledge to officers in all departments that would ensure the legacy of peace, respect, public service here in my local community and in varied communities outside my district because I believe in this pledge.
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