Experts Warn Deadly Bird Flu Will Hit Australia. The Government Must Act!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Australian Minister of Agriculture and Minister for the Environment

By now, much of the world is familiar with the deadly H5N1 bird flu strain. The virus has spread quickly, reaching remote areas resulting in massive wildlife deaths. It has killed thousands of penguins in Antarctica and thousands of sea lions and elephant seal pups in South America, along with over half a million native birds. Australia's geographical isolation has kept this virus at bay so far, but experts warn it's a matter of "when, not if" it will arrive. 

Sign this petition to urge the Australian Government and environmental agencies to implement comprehensive strategies to prevent an H5N1 bird flu epidemic in Australia!

With the bird flu virus claiming the lives of thousands of native birds and mammals across the globe, the potential for similar – or worse – destruction in Australia is alarmingly high. The country's geographical isolation could make its native species particularly vulnerable to such outbreaks. The recent allocation of $7 million by the federal government is a step in the right direction, but more focused action is urgently needed.

Australia must implement immediate and enhanced measures to protect its wildlife. This could include increased funding for research, intensive surveillance and early detection systems near migratory bird pathways, community education programs to raise awareness about avian influenza, as well as strategic plans to manage and respond to potential outbreaks effectively.

We must take a stand for the preservation of Australia's biodiversity and ensuring that its natural heritage is protected against emerging global threats. 

Sign the petition to demand that our leaders prioritize and strengthen measures to protect Australia's wildlife from the deadly bird flu!

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