Tell Chris Brown That Monkeys Aren't Pets

  • by: Laura G
  • recipient: Chris Brown

Chris Brown owns a baby capuchin monkey as a pet. He posted a video of his daughter, Royalty, cradling the monkey on his Instagram.

Many of Brown's fans have been leaving comments letting him know they're outraged by his irresponsible choice. As one commenter wrote, "No money or fancy house can emulate a habitat similar to that of a wild monkey."

Brown could also be breaking the law if he's still living in the Los Angeles area. Although there's no nationwide law prohibiting primates as pets, they are banned in California.

Between 1990 and 2013, according to the Humane Society of the United States, more than 230 people were injured by these pets – including 70 children. Royalty should not become another statistic.

Besides being dangerous, primates can spread serious diseases to humans. It's inhumane to keep primates as pets because it deprives them of their natural social, physical and developmental needs.

It's also horribly cruel that when baby capuchins are sold as pets they are taken away from their mothers when they're only a few days old. It can take months for the mother to get over her grief.

A capuchin monkey is a terrible pet idea. Please sign and share this petition urging Brown to give the capuchin to a sanctuary.

Update #16 years ago
SUCCESS! Los Angeles city prosecutors have charged Chris Brown with two counts of illegally possessing a monkey, for which he's facing up to six months of jail time. Meanwhile, the capuchin monkey has been "relocated to a sanctuary facility," according to the Los Angeles Times and other news sources. Thank you so much for signing my petition and helping to make this happen!
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