Brighton Eco-Village: Sign to request council return waste land to public project

Eco-Village Brighton

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Eco-Village Brighton is a brand new project that aims to build a self sustainable village in the Brighton area using permaculture design and earth ships.

We are currently in talks with the council to acquire some land on which we shall build at least 2 totally self sufficient houses, a self sufficient holistic centre and a community hall - but we need support from the community to petition for some free land.

The space shall be designed to be off the grid, collecting rain water and recycling Gray water, solar and wind power, and built using discarded tyres and materials.

The site shall also make use of aquaponics, modern bee keeping techniques to produce organic honey and grow all of the food within the site using every available space, companion planting and animals and insects to produce an abundant and thriving natural space.

We are pressing for a donation of unused land but it is looking likely that we will need to rent the space, so to get the project off the ground we are looking for support so that we may petition the council as we will be providing a great service to the community and producing food and honey in abundance. Although the buildings can be build very very cheaply, there will be costs involved for glass and timber in parts, so it is important that we can get a small amount of land as a donation from the council.

This is going to be a fantastic space that will be open to the public to come and enjoy, to learn about living more in harmony with nature and to rekindle a sense of community. We will hold music events, workshops and other events once the community building is designed and built.

We are currently looking to assemble a strong team of enthusiastic volunteers and will require a huge range of skill sets, so if you would like to get involved in this exciting project, make a donation or sign this petition supporting the project then please help to make this happen.

If you want to fund the project, every little helps – although we will not be donating to Tesco or paying them for using this phrase …

Dear green party members 

The undersigned on this petition are in full support of the new green initiative project for Brighton.

We request that the green party donate some unused land to the community, where we intend to transform the space into a productive and abundant community area, to produce organic local produce free from pesticides and GMO modification, and to showcase how we can live in a sustainable way by building beautiful houses and other habitable places using unwanted and discarded trash.

We believe that not only will this be fantastic way for the Green party to show how dedicated to building a better, cleaner, safer and more beautiful world than we currently live in, but also a great opportunity for you to gain more and more support for your party by using the powers that you have to donate some land or disussed, unnocupied waste land.

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