I can't imagine what this cop thought he was doing when he chose to leave his canine companion in a scorching hot car for hours. I can only assume he wasn't thinking, but that neglect led to
Ivy the police dog's death and for that, he should be held responsible.
Sign on to ask the West Mercia Police Department to fire the police officer who left the dog in a hot car. Police dogs are critical members of law enforcement, with their superior smelling abilities they are able to do jobs that we deem too dangerous for humans. Jobs like bomb sniffing and drug sniffing are especially good for dogs. But this means that dogs are putting their lives on the line to save human life. The least we could do is keep them safe from completely preventable deaths.
Ivy was a 5-year-old Belgian Malinois and she was left in the car in 26C (over 80 degree fahrenheit) for two hours while her handler did weapons training inside.
The poor angel dog got heatstroke and was unresponsive when the irresponsible cop came back to her. She was rushed to the hospital but ultimately put down because her condition was so bad. On the bright side, Ivy's death did lead to internal changes to the way police dogs are handled. But that doesn't account for her needless death.
Please sign on if you want the police officer who is responsible for her death to be held accountable!