Indiana - let's work to end animal cruelty, neglect and abuse

  • by: Valerie Schey
  • recipient: Representative Tom Washburne, Chair, House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code, Indiana


NOTE : HB 1094 has been filed with the Indiana General Assembly to help protect animals from neglect and abuse by strengthening our state's laws.

The legislative session ends on March 14th. For HB 1094 to move to the floor for a vote, it will need to secure a successful hearing before the Committee on Courts and Criminal Code.

This petition is requesting that Chairman Washburne schedule a hearing for HB 1094 for this legislative session.

Dear Chairman Washburne:

We are respectfully requesting that the Committee on Courts and Criminal Code provide HB1094* a hearing this legislative session.

HB1094 has been written in support of a continuing effort to improve Indiana's animal welfare laws.

The amendments proposed in this bill directly address issues that have been long standing concerns for many Indiana residents and would provide some much needed uniformity across town, city and county boundaries.

Of the changes proposed in HB1094 the three that we hope you will support are:

1. Strengthen the language and associated penalties for individuals who knowingly or intentionally torture or mutilate a vertebrae animal. IC 35-46-3-12
2. Amend the definition of "neglect" to include the proper and humane care of dogs during extreme weather conditions. IC 35-46-3-0.5(7)
3. Addressing a public safety issue by providing sound guidelines for individuals who tether their dogs outside. IC 35-46-3-7.5(a)

Animal cruelty is a serious issue. Studies have shown that there is significant relationship between the commission of cruelty to animals and the commission of violence against humans. If adopted, these amendments would help to protect all Indiana residents from harm.

Hoosiers are a compassionate people with strong family values. Providing animals with respect and responsible care is a reflection of these values. This bill supports those values. We are respectfully requesting your support for HB 1094.

The undersigned citizens of Indiana

CC: Vice Chairwoman Negele
Members of the Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
Representatives Hatfield, Mahan and McNamara
President Pro Tempore Long
Speaker Bosma


Update #17 years ago
The deadline for a hearing has passed. HB 1094 will not move forward this session. However, we are optimistic for the next session.
2018 is an election year for the IN House of Representatives. Many representatives will be returning to office along with some new members.
Please take a minute thank the sponsors of HB 1094. Their email addresses:
Rep. Hatfield
Rep. Mahan
Rep. McNamara
Rep. Lawson
Thank you for your continued support!
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