Ban the use of neonicotinoids & Save The Bees
For many years now there's been a decline in the population of our honeybees. Studies show that in 1947 there were approximately 6 million hives in the United States. This reduced to about 2.4 million hives in 2008, a 60% decline.
Why, you ask? Quite possibly THE biggest factor in the endangerment of the honeybees is due to the use of pesticides and chemicals fertilizers. Biologists discovered over 150 chemicals in the bee's pollen. This not only KILLS the bees, but when the infected bees go back to the hive with the chemicals, they spread them to all the other bees. And the bees that don't die, are weakened, and unable to properly pollinate, and eventually die off.
The main source of bee killing pesticides are what is called neonicotinoids. These include, but aren't limited to: clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam. These 3 nicotine-based pesticides are found at the heart of the deadly chemical mix in the hives.
Banning the use of neonicotinoids isn't going to completely solve this problem. But it WILL slow down the decline of the honeybee population. Without the bees, what would we have? Almost all of the food we eat is available to be eaten because of the bees. So please, Save The Bees!
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