Your help is needed - the descendents of Wild Horse Annies mustangs need us now more than ever before!!!! The Mustangs that she started her whole SAVE THE MUSTANGS movement over were NOT included or protected under the Wild Horse Act. Instead the horses in the Pine Nut Mountain range area were placed under the Nevada Dept of Agriculture. Now that Developers are wanting to put tract homes in the places these horses have roamed for years, the Nevada Dept of Agriculture is relinquish the responsibility over dealing with the Virginia Range Wild horses🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴 by giving them away to a private entity, which could mean that they would most likely would be sold to slaughter! We must stop Nevada Department of Agriculture from giving away all 3000 wild horses who live on 500 square miles of Nevada's Virginia Range mountains. Caring humans are their only voice and we need to keep fighting for the lives of these living legends of the Wild West!. You can call (775) 684-5670 to tell Governor Sandoval to stop the Nevada Department of Agriculture from giving away the Virginia Range Wild Horses to a private entity.. There are other reasonable resolutions. Please read the following:
JANUARY 31, 2018
URGENT ACTION NEEDED: the Nevada Department of Ag has Released the RFP to illegally "Transfer Ownership" of the descendents of Wild Horse Annies Beloved Virginia Range wild ones!!!
On December 12, 2017, the Nevada Board of Agriculture voted 8 to 1 in favor of transferring ownership of our precious wild horses over to some non-existent non-profit animal advocacy group! Transferring 2,000 to 3,000 wild horses over to a private entity? These wild horses belong to the citizens of Nevada! They belong to ALL OF US!! They should NOT be available for transfer to anyone!!
This is a devastating development for these wild horses! Not only is this action is irresponsible, and reprehensible! We want them to know just how wrong they are, how reckless their behavior is and how much we all care about these horses and that they continue to live wild and free!!!
Your action is URGENTLY needed to protect these iconic Virginia Range wild horses! We had an important and effective Cooperative Agreement signed between wild horse advocates and the Nevada Department of Agriculture.
Our beloved wild horses have been put in dire straits by a small group of people.
In addition to signing this petition, please consider sending the following letter to the Director of the Dept of Agriculture
Open an email and paste the letter (see below) into the body of the email
Type in the "TO" box
Type "Request for a Special Meeting of the Nevada Board of Agriculture" in the subject line
Type your Name and Address at the bottom of the letter under "Sincerely" - this will give your message legitimacy and identify it coming from a human and not generated by a "robot" computer
Hit send - you're done
February 1, 2018
Nevada Board of Agriculture
405 South 21st Street
Sparks, NV 89431
Dear Sir,
I am writing to you regarding the decision voted on at the Tuesday, December 12, 2017 meeting of the Nevada Board of Agriculture, to approve the following agenda item (voted 8 to 1 in favor):
"The Nevada Board of Agriculture directs the Nevada Department of Agriculture to transfer ownership of all feral/estray horses, commonly known as the Virginia Range Estrays, located south of I80, north of Highway 50, east of Highway 395, and west of Alternate 95, to a non-profit animal advocate organization through a 'Request For Proposal' process, in accordance with NRS 569.010 and NRS 569.031" submitted by Boyd Spratling, Vice Chair of the Nevada Board of Agriculture"
I am shocked that this entity, despite the hundreds of public comments received from persons and organizations opposed to this proposal, would vote in favor of giving away Nevada's most iconic herd of wild horses. The history, culture, beauty, wildlife, and environment that encompass the Virginia Range, located east of Reno, Nevada, should be one that is cherished and embraced by the State of Nevada. People from all around the world visit this area just to watch the wild horses in their natural state, bringing valuable dollars to this State.
I am opposed to the action taken by the Board as mentioned above. I encourage you to request a special meeting of the Nevada Board of Agriculture to include an agenda item similar to the following:
"The Nevada Board of Agriculture reverses its December 12, 2017 decision to transfer ownership of all feral/estray horses, commonly known as the Virginia Range Estrays, and directs the Nevada Department of Agriculture to implement a Cooperative Agreement with local wild horse advocacy organizations to humanely manage the horses commonly known as the Virginia Range Estrays."
IT IS UNREALISTIC to consider the insurance liability coverage a non-profit would require to satisfy the "transfer of ownership" as noted above to be nothing more than a simple "open range" policy option. The Virginia Range by definition cannot be considered "open range" – see NRS 568.355. The land in question includes residential and business areas within the cities and townships of Reno, Fernley, Silver Springs, Stagecoach, Dayton, Moundhouse, and Carson City, as well as the villages of Washoe City and Lockwood. It is also surrounded and transected by 7 major area highways, namely, Interstate 80, Interstate 580, (old) State Highway 395, State Highway 50, State Highway 95A, State Highway 341 and the new USA Parkway (SR 439).
IT IS ERRONEOUS of the Nevada Board of Agriculture to assume the NDoA has the authorization to grant access for any one person or any organization to graze their horses on private land, which comprises the majority of the property ownerships of the Virginia Range – see NRS 568.340 and NRS 568.350.
IT IS FISCALLY IMPOSSIBLE for the NDoA to finance the $10,000's - $100,000's of tax payer dollars it would cost to just initiate the "transfer of ownership" of the Virginia Range wild horses - see NRS 569.080.4
Wild horses belong to the people of Nevada and are revered by Nevadans, Americans, and people from around the world. I urge you to do the right thing! I urge you NOT to give away our Nevada icons!!!
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You can also CALL the Nevada Board of Agriculture office and leave your polite, respectful comments – 775-353-3619.
You can post to Dave Coon using NV Dept of Ag on facebook
You can tweet the NV Board of Ag through twitter @NVAgriculture
Please remember to keep ALL comments, written or voiced, calm and respectful. Be matter of fact and stick to the point. We understand the frustration and emotion that goes with this issue, but we will get much further by staying calm, strong, united, and committed.
We need to FLOOD the Nevada Department of Agriculture's office! We have not given up and we NEVER will!!!
Learn More | 775-297-2955 |
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