I was signing and sharing petitions on a PETA website when I came across (and signed and shared) one about the torture of rats at University of Missouri (Mizzou). "Researchers" cut into the rats' heads, chemically damaged their brains, taped heavy weights to their tails and forced them to climb a more than three-foot ladder, before subjecting them to fear-based experiments. Poor rats! These are not wild rats, they were probably domesticated, laboratory rats (and white in colour). What did they ever do to their torturers?
Mizzou has also been known to experiment on beagle dogs, inflicting wounds and chemical burns to their eyes. This is so wrong. What did those poor animals ever do to you? I thought dogs were supposed to be man's best friend?
Please sign, share and kindly contact University of Missouri (by email, letter and phone) asking them to stop all animal experiments and research right now!!!
Thank you.