Demand Carrollton Ohio sheriff to do his job. Two guys down the street killed our cats. One jerk caught the some of the cats and put them into a cage. He then released them. When the cats ran,the jerk shot them. He then picked them up and threw them in his barn. The cats were lying in a puddle of blood for a couple months. Barn door stayed open. This guy Bragg's about it. He says the only good cat is a dead cat. What a jerk. The other guy who is an older jerk gave my cats antifreeze,rat poison and shot them 4 times each. He also shot some of the cats out of the trees. Cats were scared of his dogs,so they ran up the trees. This jerk Bragg's how it was so easy to kill cats. I had seen what this guy did. I asked him if he had seen my beige cat. He said no. I knew he was lying. He then said is he yellow,green eyes,neutered and very friendly. I said yes. He had a look on his face like he just got caught. He put his head down and walked away from me. I hollered if you killed my cats I will kill your dogs. I wouldn't. He doesn't know that. I LOVE all ANIMALS. Sheriff sent a deputy out 2 months later after a dozen phone calls. This deputy just laughed at me,called me a lier,said I don't have any cats and that a dispatcher told him so. She's a B CH. She had thrown my statements in the trash before. I have a witness that heard this deputy. He left. A month later another deputy finally came out. We talked about everything that happened to my cats and about the Deputy blowing me off and about the Sheriff NOT retiring my calls. The deputy called me back a couple weeks later. He said they were sending some deputies down the street to talk to the wives of the jerks. And of course,they lied to the deputies . The older jerk's wife had called me one day and said she was scared to say anything,because her husband would kill her. I told her to go talk to the Sheriff and tell the truth. I told her people who kill animals kill people. That's how serial killers start out. She didn't. She acts just as crazy as her husband. PLEASE somebody help. I cannot take it anymore. Sheriff always waits 2-3 months before he even gets off his butt. Just help,please. The nightmares are killing me. I pray everyday for the Lord to take me to Heaven. Nobody should have to live this way. My heart is broken. I am not happy at all. Demand the Sheriff to get off his butt.  Tell people to just sign this petition. Don't need any more friends.

Update #55 years ago
SPREAD the WORD. WE need a lot more SIGNATURES. Have a ❤️. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Update #45 years ago
Update #35 years ago
Sheriff Dept. is nervous. Their do funkies are leaving negative remarks. They know they have been had.
Update #25 years ago
Older jerk has been training his two dogs to kill anything. He's so Creepy
Update #15 years ago
The older jerk has been shooting and killing dogs also. His neighbors across the he street from him knows about it. They watch and laugh. They lied to the sheriff deputy. They have each other's back. All criminals
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