Windo the "friendly seal" of Dartmouth, United Kingdom has become famous around the area. The portly pinniped is known for lounging on his favorite buoy near the coast. He's even known to wave at tourists as they pass by.
That's why, locals and tourists alike, were so enraged when they heard that Windo had been attacked by a jackass on a boat.
Local Andy Kyle said he witnessed
the idiot, take aim at the dinghy where Windo usually rests and then speed towards it to knock him off. Windo went flying into the water, only to come back to his perch again.
The man continues to harass Windo and then goes on his way. Whoever this jerk is, he should be found and charged with animal cruelty. Sailing his boat so recklessly and ramming it into Windo like that is not ok. He could have seriously injured Windo or worse! Windo is a living thing and deserves to be treated with respect. There's no reason to harass and abuse an animal like that. Especially one that's beloved by all.
Tell the Devon Police you want them to find Windo's attacker and charge him with animal cruelty.