For at least 10 year Mr. Alex Stan Goncharov ( Aka Alex Stanley, Alex G.) been practicing fraudulent business by selling refurbished fitness equipment online and not delivering or sending bad merchandise to consumers.
Also Mr. Goncharov been tricking people to become his "business partners" and after stealing their money.
Alex's companies:
Eon Fitness
Cardio Sales
JM Fitness Store
Cardio Addicts LLC
Mr. Goncharov's other websites:
You can read all consumer complaints on:
Please sign petition so Alex's unfaithful activities can finally be stopped.
Update #36 years ago
Alex Goncharov's case is being investigated. I asked his supplier to help investigation. Supplier gave a lot of promises, but, continued doing business with Mr. Goncharov & his new company.
Now this supplier is suing me for "harassment" & his employees r giving false evidence.
Court is on Jan 16th, 2019 in LA.
You can read details here:
Please help to share. Any help is appreciated.
Update #26 years ago
TONIGHT AT 11PM Kristine Lazar of CBS news is doing a story on refurbished fitness equipment fraud in LA (Part 1) !!!
Also, later today I will be sending detailed e-mail to all the victims about the progress.
Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions:
Update #16 years ago
Investigation about Alex's fraudulent activities is still going. Case is bigger than anyone thought and involves a lot of people Internationally and Nation wide. I would highly suggest everyone filing a report with police ( originally it was reported at LAPD Wilshire devision against Alex Stan Goncharov), or Los Angeles DA's office.
Recently Alex changed his name again, and now operates like a "new person".
If you have any questions pls email me: