To whom it may concern:
In the later part of May, I came home and noticed that I had a family of coyotes living in my back shed there was 4 pups and 2 adults. I was only home on the weekends, as I was working out of town. I assumed that is why they made a den in my back shed. The den was located under an old truck in the shed. It's approximately 4 foot deep and I have no idea how long. The whole family was there for approximately two weeks.
I came home one weekend and there was only one pup left the rest were gone. I figured that she was moving the den so I left the pup alone. By Sunday I figured something must have happened to the rest of the family so I put a lot of food and water out for him.
The following week I came home and he was still there by himself. I made sure to have my son come over and check on him during the week while I was at work. My son made sure he had food and water while I was gone. The following week after that I got sick. I developed an ulcer on my foot which lead to an infection that had got into the bone. I was very sick and off work for 10 weeks.
Me and the pup was together after that. Soon he was coming up to me to get petted and was even crawling on my lap for comfort. He would lay with me on the floor of my gazebo or in the lawn chair, always by my side like he was watching out for me. He would greet me in the mornings with excitement it was like he could not show me just how happy to see me he was. He had happy tail. I had to go to the hospital every morning to get the IV antibiotics to try to keep my foot and toes. He would wait for me in the same spot until I got back and would greet me at the gate. So happy that he would even do the happy tinkle. We spent many days and nights together in the backyard. As he grew bigger by the day so did my love for him. Before I knew it, I was calling him Drifter and he was running up to me when I would call his name. We were officially a pack at that point.
On October 28th he got outside of the fence. The neighbor that lives across the street from me is Neal Tickner put a leash on him and called animal control knowing that they would take it as a dangerous animal even though his pit bulls are far more dangerous than what my pup Drifter is. Drifter does not show any type of aggressions and would not hurt anyone. He doesn't even bark or howl. My neighbor that is directly next door to me told me what happened, that they had seen Drifter run up and down the fence for months never bothering them, just being curious and looking through the fence is all.
Since Drifter has been picked up by animal control they have placed him in a rehab center in Independence Iowa Wild Thunder. In a cage. He has never been in a living environment like that. It is very cruel and inhumane. They say they are rehabbing him in order to put him into the wild returning him into the wild to be slaughtered. He will not make it a week. He is way to people friendly, he has become a domestic animal. He is a dog traveling in a coyote's body. If you were to meet him at the most he would come up to you and rollover on his back so that you could pet his belly and greet you with nothing but happiness and love. He is truly my Guardian Angel. My world has been shattered since he has been picked up.
Help Drifter come home. Please call the DNR, the governor's office call your state senator. Drifter need to come home, to the only home he has known, his natural habitat that they took him out of.
Drifter is not a wild animal. He is a domestic dog. They have threatened me several times to euthanize the animal if I make waves. Should a seven month old puppy be penalized because they are mad at me? We are basically arguing over $17 as they would sell his pelt (fur). That is what they will do after they kill him. There are many issues with this. Drifter's life is worth more to me than $17. His life is worth more to the world then $17. This type of behavior is unethical and heartless. The bottom line is that no one is or was being affected by drifter other than me and Drifter.
To me this feels like my child being kidnapped and put in to a small room with the possibility of them being euthanized for no justifiable reason. No toys, no warmth and no love.
We came into each other's life at just the right time. When we both needed each other. He needed someone to help feed and protect him, and I needed a reason to not give up on life and take care of myself. Drifter gave me the type of purpose I needed. I was very sick and needed his support to make it through this illness I could not afford to end up in the hospital as I needed to take care of him and make sure he was safe. In some ways you could look at him like a service dog. I know there are several different opinions on how a wild animal could be a service animal but he was there, every step of the way. Behind me, in front of me, beside me, and on my lap with nothing but love in his heart for me.
Drifter is my child, my angel, my purpose and now I am fighting for his life. Please don't make me fight for him alone.
Matthew Stokes
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