Trump To Lift Ban on Elephant Trophies and Ivory.
The administration intends to lift an Obama-supported ban on "Elephant trophies" in place since 1978. The new regulation allows officials in Zimbabwe and Zambia to issue permits to import elephant heads if there is evidence that hunting benefits the animal’s conservation, ABC reported.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service supports Trump's plan claiming minutes from trophy permits could help out funds into conservation. Let's continue with conservation efforts BY NOT ALLOWING TROPHY PERMITS TO BEGIN WITH!
African elephants are considered threatened animals under the Endangered Species Act. In Zimbabwe, the overall elephant population has declined 6%, with populations plummeting a shocking 74% in the Sebungwe region, according to the Great Elephant Census.
The world cannot allow an Elephant Holocaust at the hands of hunters hungry for elephant heads, tails, and of course, ivory. Please join me by signing this petition and adding your voice to saying "NO" to Trump on Elephant cruelty. Say "NO" to hunting elephants to Extinction!
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