Hello 👋,
There is a vast amount of disgraceful animal cruelty in the world, and there are many animal rights/welfare issues. From hunting to factory farming, from fur to meat, from leather and wool to the use of animals in circuses, "research" and testing, from the "pet" trade of wild animals and the exotic "bushmeat" trade, to wet markets and the farming of bears for their bile and forcing other bears to dance, from fishing to bullfighting and bull fiestas and the Running of the Bulls, to horse fighting and dog-fighting, from farmers and gamekeepers killing foxes, birds of prey and other native predators to the "culling" of many animals worldwide, to "pest" control poisoning and trapping of poor animals such as mice, rats, pigeons, foxes, squirrels, insects and other poor critters, animal cruelty is an extremely serious issue and one that needs to be stamped out. Some kids also abuse and torment animals - this is not okay.
Despite all of this, animal cruelty is still not required learning in the UK or the USA!!! For the sake of our animals, for their rights and welfare, and for the sake of our children (abused animals are more likely to attack) and for the sake of our world, this all needs to change! One of the best ways in which we could help to reduce and stop animal cruelty is to make animal cruelty required learning in all schools!!! Our children and young people need to be taught that animals are sentient beings, that their lives, rights and welfare all matter, and how they can help stop animal cruelty!
Thank you 😊.