I let my cat (pretty boy) out at 11:00 PM.
I woke up in the morning and immediately went to the back door to let my cat in because surely he would have to be back by now considering he is never out this long and rarely leaves our yard in the first place.
I call his name and nothing. I begin to get worried, so I run back inside, throw on some shoes and head out into our backyard calling his name. I am standing by our back fence at this time and my cat is nowhere to be seen or heard. I begin to turn back around to head back inside and as I turn around I hear someone from the red house, "are you looking for a cat". Me being startled I turned around to see where this yell had come from and it was from the middle aged women in the Red house. My husband and I have never met or seen these people before because they usually aren't outside. I tell her "yes! have you seen him?" thinking
that they had seen him by the tone of her voice, but to my disappointment she states "no but we will keep and eye out for him". I thought it was interesting because I was obviously looking for my cat and by the tone of her voice and actions of the man behind her who was frantically pacing around. I head inside. Friday evening comes and I am walking around in the backyard alleyway searching for my cat and my neighbors kids were outside in the back playing. I stopped to ask them if they had seen my white cat and they ran up to me explaining that they were looking for the cat, keeping an eye out. As they were explaining this to me I heard off into the distance behind me, not knowing exactly where, a faint cat meow. I said to the kids "shhhhh" listening for the meow again but nothing was heard. I turned around to look where the sound came from and it was underneath the shed of the red house. I couldn't see anything
or hear anything. I then went around the house of my next door neighbor to talk to Lesli and asked her if she had seen my cat as well. She states that she saw my cat walking across her yard into theirs (the red house, behind Lesli) she told me that the reason she saw was because her security light went off and it caught her attention. I was calling throughout for the rest of the night hourly until I went to bed.
Saturday morning comes and at this point I am VERY worried about where my cat is. I make up some flyers of my cat and drive around the local neighborhoods handing out the flyers to the nearby houses. The whole entire day I was calling out for my cat. Reading up on how to find a lost animal, within one of the articles i was reading it told me i should be direct and ask if i can go look with my own eyes of course with their permission.
I wake up in the morning and immediately go check the backdoor again hoping my cat would finally show up but yet again to my disappointment no cat is to be found. As I was in the back calling out for my cat again, the back gate in the fence was open. The man directly behind my house was in his backyard and he called out to me asking if it was me looking for the cat. He introduced himself, being very friendly and I asked him if I could take a look in his backyard. He
very kindly says "yes, go ahead" and i take a look around. As i am looking, the man states to me that he had heard a cat crying out but wasn't sure where it was directly coming from just in the vicinity of the red house, he told me that he had heard it around friday morning, and what i heard was friday evening. I get in my car and drive around over to the red house and walk up to their doorstep. I knocked on the door and she came to the front door. I for her permission to check out her backyard and underneath her shed, and at first she says, after a pause "oh we have already", and i say "well the neighbor next door said he heard the cat and i had also heard the cat and would feel comfortable if you allowed me to check myself". She then says "okay" and proceeds to lead me through her house which I felt very uncomfortable walking through, all of her doors were shut and it was dark and hard to see. We got into the backyard and I began to look around, I got the feeling that she was trying to rush me and I didnt have enough time to properly look how I wanted too. I thanked her and then went on to the house to the left of her.
I went and knocked on her door and she answered. I say "I am the lady looking for the cat, I left a flyer on your door" she says "white cat?" seemingly to know what i was talking about. It looked like she was devastated and said "we only have the head", the top half. I say "the head?! what are you talking about! you need to show me", i asked her where the cat was and she says "the garbage", i asked where the garbage is and told her she needed to show me. She
leads me around the side of her house and shows me the garbage can, she explains what the bag looked like (that the cat was in). I began to dig through her garbage and about halfway down she pointed the bag out to me. I open the bag and I am looking at the top half of my best friend that I have had for the last 12 years of my life. He was sliced in half no claw marks on his body, a clean cut. I yelp out in sadness and ask her where she had found this. She tells me that her helper had found the cat in her garden and she needed to clean it up. She leads me over to the side of her house in a garden right next to the red house and shows me where the half had been dropped. no sign of footprints from another animal or any sign of fighting. She kept looking over at the neighbors looking frightened that they would see her talking to me and I asked her "did they do this?!" she nodded yes looking frightened. I proceeded to grab the bag that my cat was in and had to drive to my house with my hand holding it out the window to waken my husband from a nap to show him what had been done. After waking up my husband I went to the humane society and they told me to call 911. Around 6:00 I called 911, and the lady told me a lot was going on and they told me they would be here as soon as they could. An hour and a half goes by and no cops are to be found, I call her back and ask where they were in a very frustrated tone. Three hours have now gone by and the cop finally shows up. The sheriff said he wouldn't be able to do anything and said he would send off a case number to the "pierce county animal control unit", apologized and that was it, there was nothing he could do.
Monday morning, GARBAGE DAY. I needed the cops or the animal control officer to check this garbage before it had been picked up. I hadn't heard from the officer or the animal control unit. I set up a camera in my backyard aiming it down the alleyway. so I hopped into my car to head over to the red house. I was very surprised to see all of them outside doing yard work and cleaning up at 7:30 in the morning, and ran into their garbage can, dumping the garbage all over. I park my jeep to pick the garbage checking everything as I am throwing it back into the garbage, I go to pick up the recycle and the younger man is sternly walking my direction and i said "forget the garbage" and got into my car not knowing what he was going to do. He yells "he you have to pick that up!" I tell him, "I need to leave, you know where I live, call the cops." Sure enough they did. Thirty minutes pass by and the sheriff is already knocking at my door. Amazingly after 30 minutes after knocking the garbage can over the sheriff arrives, after i claim to them the night before that my cat had been cut in half it took them 3 hours to show up. I am inside my house and another sheriff shows up and I come out to explain to him that I needed him to be here so he could check the inside of the shed for the other half of my cat. I needed a report done on it. He then proceeds to cut me off in the middle of me telling him the story and says as he is walking away, "have a nice day." I start to follow him and say "WHAT? You're not
going to take a report or go check?" He then repeats, "have a nice day" , entered his vehicle and drove away. At noon I got the phone call from the pierce county sheriff's department animal control officer, saying he was on his way to my house. He shows up and as i am talking to him i was explaining what had just happened about the garbage and why i needed to look into it. He got angry and said "have you been drinking?!" I look at the clock and say "no? it's 12:00 o'clock, are you kidding me?! You understand what i am trying to do about the garbage right?" He was getting ready to leave my house to head to the red house and he said "can i do anything else for you". I say, "yes, you can grab my cat", he walks over to pick up the box that i had put my cat in. The look on his face was very shocked as he looked down at the cat cut cleanly in half and he finally realized that I wasn't messing around. I told the sheriff to make sure he talks to the lady who's house the cat was found at first. He goes over there and ends up calling me back very shortly ( within 5 minutes) after leaving my house and says, "I have one more question to ask, What happened to the other half". I am very dumbfounded by the question he had just asked me. To find out that I was right and they were frantically cleaning up their backyard trying to cover themselves up, in the footage I have it shows they are trying to hide something and when you are ready to see it I am here to give it to you. My cat was suffering from Friday morning all the way to Friday night until he was finally cut in half and put out of his misery. The Senate unanimously passed a bill that makes animal cruelty a federal felony... Under the PACT Act, a person can be prosecuted for crushing, burnind, drowning, suffocating or impaling animals or sexually exploiting them. Those convicted would face federal felony charges, fines and up to seven years in prison where they belong.
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