Feral cat TNR volunteers fight to let loved/cared/fixed cats live
There’s a fight to save nearly two dozen cats living at Christopher Newport Park in downtown Newport News. Feral cats have lived in the park for years. Volunteers have spayed, neutered and cared for the cats the last several years, but their days in this park may be coming to an end.
The city is getting ready to make improvements to the park, as part of the city's Downtown Vision Plan. That includes removing all the vegetation where the cats live. The city's recreation superintendent wants cats removed and euthanized. Volunteers want the cat to be able to live out thier lives. Volunteers filed for colony registration and the superintendent denied it. Volunteers want a humane solution. The city has known about cats, and now know cats have been taken care of without financial assistance from the city. The cats have been in a TNR program and should not be killed just because a city official doesn't like cats. The city would not come up with an alternate path, other can kill them. We need all animal advocates to support not killing a living cat/dog just because a city official doesn't like them.
Update #15 years ago
I want to thank each and every person that signed this petition. Due to the united public support, a meeting was called. The result was that these fixed, loved for, and cared for cats get to outlive thier lives where they reside. Please know by signing, each of your signatures represented a voice for all feral/stray cats. People taking on this task understand the criticality. I stand with anyone trying to work this issue and solution through thier city councils, or tax-payer funded officials!
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