Tiger farming is a common practice in China where tigers are intensely bred for the trade of their body parts and various products. This has been a huge business to the point that captive tigers in these farms far outnumber animals in the wild.
Tigers have a hard time surviving in their own natural habitat due to habitat loss, degradation and an increasing conflict with humans, which are a threat to the animals. You can read the full sad story at http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/calling-on-china-and-the-u-s-to-prioritize-tiger-conservation/.
China is a main producer of tiger parts and running these tiger farms. The Chinese government currently seems to support the expansion of tiger farms along with the illegal trade in skins and other products from these farmed tigers. Our goal in this petition is to put a stop to tiger farming completely and domestic commercialization of tigers and their body parts. You can help us in our efforts to save these tigers by signing and sharing this petition.
Government of China, President Xi Jinping – We are strongly urging you to put an immediate stop to all tiger farming throughout China that exploits these animals, breeds them intensely just to use them for their fur, skins, body parts and other tiger products. Please ban tiger farms immediately and the illegal trade in skins and other products from these farmed tigers.