The promotional material for "Pooch Perfect", soon to be aired by Channel 7 & hosted by Rebel Wilson, shows dogs that have been 'groomed' (not), to represent all manner of other creatures or concepts.

Although the treatment of dogs is presented as 'grooming' it actually a demeaning and unethical treatment of these dogs done purely for the puerile entertainment of human beings and with no regard for the dignity and natural presentation of the animals.

Such demeaning treatment of animals as this has long been banned in circuses and zoos in the western world and to some degree elsewhere. Sadly there are still examples of it in far too many places and much of it very much worse than this.

However, although many people may dismiss this particular treatment as being ok and 'fun', it is not. What such use of animals as this creates is a model that presents human beings as having the right to force animals into unnatural states or activities. Certainly, many of the owners of the dogs in this competition will love their animals and believe they are doing nothing adverse to them. Many viewers will also be titillated by the show, seeing the animals as cute or funny.

That is the point. Animals should not be used as 'toys', simply for human pleasure or profit. They deserve to be allowed to live naturally and be treated with dignity.

Therefore, I ask all who respect animals and their right to be treated appropriately, to support this petition and also to write to, email or call Channel 7 and ask that this program be cancelled.

Update #15 years ago
Thank you to all who have signed. The petition is moving but very slowly. I have altered the title in attempt to make it stand out better. I would appreciate anything you can do to share it as widely as possible. You are good people & I do appreciate your support.
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