Do you ever wonder what happens to all the chickens who can't lay eggs? Have you ever heard of the term "chicken culling"?
In short, it's the blending of live baby roosters deemed useless just because they can't lay eggs and don't grow big enough.
Yep. You heard that right. Blending.

And I'm not even going to try and put that out there nicely. Because there is no nice side when it comes to animal cruelty.

France, Germany and Switzerland have recently banned this horrific act, USA hopefully soon to follow. So with global leaders creating the change why does the Australian government continue to look away?

There's probably a lot of questions going through you're head right now.

But perhaps the most disturbing of all is:
How is this still legal?

Millions of chickens dying daily in the most disturbing ways. And this isn't just some scene from a horror movie, this is reality.

By the time you've read this far at least 50,000 innocent chickens have been SLAUGHTERED!! 

Now add another 1000 to the death toll. It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out this has gone way too far.

Every second we wait more and more chicks not even a day old aren't even given the chance to see the Sun.

Stored in plastic bags like objects, many suffocating at this stage. Afterwards the young chicks are tossed onto a conveyor belt like garbage and dropped meters into a blade that excruciatingly and painfully minces these, still living, baby roosters into pieces. 

Tell the Australian Government to cut the excuses and ban this inhumane process.

Quick Facts: 

-8 billion 1-day old rooster chicks are shredded yearly by this method, on a global scale. (22 million killed per day)

-It's not just the chicken industry in the wrong, an estimated 40 million female ducklings are slaughtered this very same way yearly.

-Goslings also fall victims to this culling/maceration practice 

For additional info. visit:

on your browser.

With the Australian government ignoring this crisis it's time to band together and stop this cruel and barbaric act once and for all!

Please share, sign and comment to save thousands of chicks by the minute and millions of chicks by the day.

Give them a chance at life. Because every life matters.

Update #34 years ago
Recently in Australia there was an outbreak of the swine flu in a chicken farm. The methods of chicken/egg farms are far from humane and need to be stopped ASAP! Besides the struggle the chickens go through, this swine flu could spread from birds to humans and the current pandemic could become even more of a struggle!
In Australia there are roughly 100 million chickens, and virtually none of them die to natural causes! Please forward this petition today to help make tomorrow a better place!
Update #24 years ago
Before I start I would like to give a special thanks to everyone who signed, shared and commented. None of this would be possible without your ongoing support!
If you are passionate about this issue please consider signing my other petition for this issue:
Thank you once again for all your inspiring comments and help to outlaw this cruelty!
Update #15 years ago
Firstly I would like to thank everyone who has signed for this cause, yet we are still a long way off the target. If everyone could please share this petition forward to stop day-old chicks being slaughtered painfully as each second ticks by.

Let’s give these baby roosters a fighting chance, because every life matters!
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