I think someone needs to make a change. Now. Wales and dolphins of seaworld are dying prematurely, and we all know the cause. The orcas are kept in a tank that is smaller than their fake lake - not to mention the size of their parking lot. Out of the 165 orcas that have died in captivity, 48 of them died at seaworld. 62 dolphins have died in the last 10 years alone.
Look at the picture I have set for this petition. I couldn't even fit the size of the parking lot into the picture, now compare that to the orcas enclosure. And that water body next to it? That's the fake pond. A fake pond seaworld made is bigger than their tank. We are taking some of the smartest animals alive and essentially locking them up in prison. There's no stimulation unless it's to perform for humans, and even then they only do it to actually get fed. The swim in circles all day just waiting to eat, waiting to die.
Out of all whales that have died in captivity, only three have lived to the expected life span of one in the wild. Why? Because there are no stressors, let alone space to swim. So here's the deal. They either build a big, suitable and healthy tank for the animals (including other sea life - not just blank walls and glass for people to stare at them) along with a connector tunnel to the little pools for show time, or they release all kept in too small of an enclosure and vow to never imprison one again. Who's with me?
in case you need more convincing, I'm going to put some links at the bottom that will help argue my point. Please help me save these helpless animals. Don't let humans destroy more than what they already have.
1. http://www.bornfreeusa.org/facts.php?p=2688&more=1
2. https://us.whales.org/wdc-in-action/end-captivity-1
3. https://us.whales.org/wdc-in-action/fate-of-captive-orcas
4. https://www.changeforanimals.org/whales-and-dolphins-in-captivity