Porn. It's went you look at pictures of or watch naked people or two people having sex. This sort of thing is suppose to be keeped in private. But most people approve of it as "free speech". Porn is shown in movies, books and bars. They have both straight and gay porn. It's the reason why there are so many perverts and molesters out there. Even minors are starting to take an interest in porn. Worse of all, porn is on tv, in video games, movies, comic books, etc., and are being rented and purchased in family stores and libraries. And people are constantly posting it online everyday. This is going to far. We don't need porn rubbed in everyone's faces all the time. We want are families and friends to become perverts. And can't expose porn in front of our children either. There are some children under 18 who have taken an intrest in porn, and they sometimes show it to their friends. They have no idea how much trouble they could get into if their parents or teachers found out about this. Porn addiction can make people isolate themselves from others, because it is like a drug and they can't let it go. Porn might be entertaining to some people, but to others, it is almost like sexual harassment. It makes other people think that porn addicts have no repect for the opposite sex. Porn ruins someone's chase in finding true love. They might think your in love, but your not. They just want sex. Porn can also isolate people from the world around them.They will become lonely for the rest of their lives, because they will never resist porn. President Obama, Congress, please ban porn fromtelevision,family stores and Internet, before it is exposed to our next generation.