PepsiCo is a large company that's destroying the rain forest and killing thousands of innocent animals each year, while harvesting palm oil.
Palm Oil is a cheap vegetable oil but it comes with great consequences. Every hour, 300 football fields are cleared to make way for palm oil production, resulting in 1,000 to 5,000 orangutan deaths each year.
Pepsico announced that by the year 2020 they would use 100% sustainable palm oil, but there's no such thing as sustainable palm oil. That's because the soil is only good for about 50 years, then more land has to be cleared to continue.
Pepsico has teamed up with another company that recklessly and heartlessly destroys the forest in order to get the palm oil that Pepsico needs to make it's products to sell. All that these companies care about is the profit that they make and not about the thousands of animals that they are killing and leaving orphaned.
Pepsico is a huge palm oil consumer that uses more than four hundred fifty tons of palm oil each year, mostly for their chips and Starbucks products.
Some of Pepsico's companies include Pepsi, Lays, Starbucks, Gatorade, Tropicana, Doritos, Quaker, Cheetos, Ruffles, Tostitos, Aquafina, Mist Twist,and Fritos.
Please boycott all of Pepsico's products, and be the voice of these precious animals! I ask you this in the name of all of the animals who are suffering because of Pepsico!