Starbucks Gave Its CEO a Private Jet While Climate Change Balloons and Workers Struggle to Pay Rent

Starbucks recently decided to give its new CEO, Brian Niccol, a private jet - so that he can easily, comfortably commute between his California home and the company's Seattle headquarters, without being forced to relocate like other employees.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are trying to fight climate change and push for a greener future.

Sign now and help us demand better from Starbucks! The company must stop this environmental damage immediately!

Private jets are terrible for our planet. They release a lot of carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change. In fact, private jets are 10 times worse for the environment compared to regular commercial planes. Even though Starbucks says it's working on being more eco-friendly with things like new cups and less plastic, this private jet is a huge step backward.

What's also frustrating is how this decision shows a huge economic gap between top executives and regular employees. Niccol's compensation package includes a $10 million signing bonus, a $1.6 million annual salary, and millions more based on performance. Meanwhile, many Starbucks employees are still struggling to make ends meet.

It doesn't have to be this way, though. Legendary toymaker LEGO has just made a very different set of decisions to improve its sustainability metrics. In fact, this year, LEGO announced that all bonuses would be tied hitting the company's goals to reduce carbon emissions. This needs to become the new industry standard - all companies need to follow LEGO's lead!

We need to speak up and make sure Starbucks acts in a way that matches its promises about caring for the environment and treating its workers fairly. The company must revoke its private jet offer, investment in fighting climate change, and commit to higher pay for its employees! In fact, it should go even further by tying executive bonuses and pay to sustainability goals. Sign the petition now!
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