Say NO to commercial buildings taking over our neighborhoods

Residents of Hoschton: Please take a stand and unite with your neighbors and families living on White Street. This petition involves concerns related to the proposed Liquor Store/ Strip Mall to be built on HWY 53 with an ADDITIONAL entrance and exit on White Street. We have outlined immediate concerns and believe this is NOT a proper/sustainable location for this business. Please read below and show your support with a signature. *Safety issues *Unresolved/ongoing water runoff problems *Proper lighting concerns *Traffic volume/flow *Noise concerns We, the residents of Hoschton oppose the build of a Liquor Store/ Strip Mall on HWY 53 with an ADDITIONAL entrance and exit on White Street. This family friendly area does not want the extra traffic and trucks clogging up our small street. A rise in crime and lack of a police department are 2 major safety concerns that should be addressed before growing the city further. The Braselton Police Department and Jackson County Sheriff's Office are already overwhelmed with the patrol of multiple towns (including ours). A liquor store in this area could lead to more crime and we would like our safety concerns addressed. In addition to safety concerns; new construction would contribute to the ongoing water run off concerns that have been affecting our properties. Water and drainage issues plague our street every time it rains. Both HWY 53 and White Street are in serious need of an overhaul in regards to this matter. Building a new business could not only be a costly mistake but it could cost some families their homes if more flooding and damages occur. It is important to note that the run off from the proposed businesses will be directed down White Street. As with any new construction the location will take on more noise and require even more lighting. The 5 businesses and drive thru included in the plan will create more noise pollution and unwanted utilities (lighting) in this area, only 20ft from our residents homes. One resident in particular has lived here 35 years. This petition is NOT in favor of interrupting our residents and their properties. This is our town and today we need your helping vetoing this commercial building and it's purposes use in this area. VOTE NO and/or show your support at the next council meeting 10/2/17 at 5:30p.m. and let the Hoschton City Council hear our concerns. The community leaders that we voted into office need to address our valid concerns regarding this matter. VOTE NO to the proposed bill and think YES to supporting your neighbors and their families.
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