Thousands of beagles are imprisoned together in a two-story building where the excrement on the upper level is allowed to flow down onto the helpless animals below.
Add your name to help put a stop to this vile treatment, NOW!
An organization called Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) flew over a Covance facility with a drone and filmed footage of shocking conditions.
"Our drone filmed overcrowded cages filled with stressed dogs, cages littered with feces, and dogs suffering from stereotypic behaviors," which means symptomatic behaviors indicating severe stress. "SHARK has filmed these conditions on multiple days, so this is a present and ongoing crisis," said one SHARK representative in response to a company press release, reported one source.
In 2017, a USDA-APHIS inspector had the following to say about a company facility:
"In buildings 96 and 97 there were two levels of enclosures in each of the rooms. The waste pan under the top enclosure was several inches from the top of the lower enclosure. Typically the waste flowed into a PVC pipe from the metal pan. However, in these buildings the seal around the pan and pipe of the waste-pan for the top level enclosure was broken.
"There was waste from the top enclosure that was dripping down the wall of the lower enclosure and was collecting on the wall. There was brown staining on the majority of the lower enclosure walls in the these buildings," according to the same article.
In other words, excrement was flowing from the upper level down onto the story below.
The inspector went on to describe the horrible conditions faced by these defenseless dogs:
"Approximately 15-20% of the dogs in the three buildings have excessively long nails. One dog was found with rear outside nails curling around to touch the paw pad."
Imagine being one of these poor animals, trapped in a wretched place where you have no choice but to sleep in your own filth, and all you have to look forward to is being subjected to scientific tests. No love. No connection. No value for your life.
Don't you agree that this treatment of animals is torture?
Add your name to call for this facility to be shut down immediately.