What could be more cruel, and exploitative of nature, than to breed animals solely to be killed for fun? Many of them are endangered species!
These helpless living beings need your help. Add your name if you want to ban the breeding of animals for canned hunts, once and for all!
"The animals killed by hunters include lions, baboons, monkeys, white rhinos, zebras, crocodiles and the scimitar-horned oryx, which no longer exists in the wild," reported The Daily Mirror.
"More than 75,000 animals have been "bred for the bullet" including endangered species over the past decade, official figures show.
"British hunters also have an appetite for canned hunts, where species are born in captivity and shot in confined spaces.
"These include lions, baboons, monkeys, crocodiles and the scimitar-horned oryx, which became extinct in the wild in the 1990s, according to an inventory of imported animal parts.
"The details are included in a report sent to all MPs by the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting, which is working with the Daily Mirror to stop the importation," they added.
This a wonderful initiative, but we must stop the problem at its source to have a real effect.
That source is largely South Africa.
"The epicentre of the captive hunting industry is South Africa. Since the 1990s, more than 30,000 trophies from 58 captive-bred species have been exported.
"More than 10,000 were from "canned lions". A similar number of Nile crocodile trophies were also exported. Other captive-bred species include white rhinos, zebras and sheep.
"The growth of the industry in South Africa has gone from about 200 trophies a year in 1990 to almost 3,000. Other species include big cats, hippopotamuses, elephants, bears, wolves and foxes," said the same source.
"There are 10,000 lions sitting in cages in South Africa waiting to be shot.
"Every year, the industry breeds 6,000 cubs for the bullet and for bones which are turned into 'wine' for Chinese clients," said Eduardo Goncalves, of the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting.
Isn't this disgusting?
It's time to put a stop to this horrible practice.
That's why we're calling on Barbara Creecy, South Africa's Minister of Environment; and Nkhensani Kubayi-Ngubane, South Africa's Minister of Tourism; to take immediate action in their government to put a stop to this heinous industry.
Don't you want to help end the suffering of these poor animals, who only have death to look forward to?
Then add your name to demand that South Africa ban the practice of breeding animals - many of which are endangered - only to be slaughtered for "entertainment" in canned hunts!