Last month, Annie Gelly bought a wall calendar from internet retail giant Amazon.
Like many Amazon shoppers, Annie was shocked when the package arrived. Rather than being delivered in an envelope or bag, like she expected, the calendar was delivered in a box big enough to hold an entire stack of calendars, along with 45 feet of packaging paper to "protect" it.
On any given day, Amazon produces a massive amount of waste with its packaging, but that amount multiplies exponentially each holiday season.
Last year, Amazon shipped more than one billion items worldwide during the holidays. Imagine how much excessive cardboard and paper waste those packages included.
That's why we're petitioning Amazon to use this holiday season to commit to reducing waste in their packaging.Amazon is so notorious for its excessive packaging that it has become a
joke. But in reality, there's nothing funny about it.
As a result, Amazon has made efforts to address its packaging problem. Through its Frustration-Free Packaging initiative, Amazon has committed to using 100% recyclable packaging and eliminating plastic "clamshell" cases.
Unfortunately, just because something is recyclable, does not guarantee it actually gets recycled. Amazon has also adopted a system called Box on Demand that uses technology to determine the right size box for items to be shipped in order to reduce waste. However, since the implementation of Box on Demand, there have still been plenty of reports of items being shipped in overly large boxes.
Amazon needs to take responsibility for its part in harming our environment, especially during the holidays. Please sign this petition, and together we can urge Amazon to do better when it comes to reducing packaging waste.
Photo credit: hawkflight1066 / Flickr