President Trump and his Secretary of the Interior are doing everything they can to expand oil and gas drilling off U.S. coasts, even in special places like the Arctic's Beaufort Sea. The photo above is of a pod of dolphins swimming through BP's oil at the height of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling disaster. If Trump and Zinke get their way, this will happen again.
The Department of the Interior (DOI) just asked the oil industry where they want to drill in the Beaufort Sea, even as the DOI is putting together their 5 year drilling plan for all coastal waters. DOI's request clearly communicates that this remote and dangerous location will be open for drilling under Trump and Zinke's new plan.
Secretary Zinke has shown his ability to be influenced by anti-drilling pressure. The new DOI plan initially included every coastal area. However, Zinke publicly backed off including Florida when the state's Republican leaders told him that FL drilling was unacceptable. Faced with a similar response from Oregon leaders, Zinke again opened the door to removing that state's coast.
We need Zinke to understand that EVERY coast is vulnerable to dirty, dangerous, deadly oil disasters, and that our energy future needs to exclude offshore drilling.
During World Oceans Week, Congress is considering a variety of amendments which would either support or oppose coastal drilling.
Sign this petition to show and share your opposition to opening up sensitive coastal areas, and we'll turn your signature into an email to your Senators and member of Congress as well as Secretary Zinke.
For World Oceans Week, I hope that you take every available opportunity to oppose the expansion of offshore drilling in our nation's waters. Our energy future needs to move away from this dirty, dangerous, deadly direction. Please oppose opening the Beaufort Sea and other sensitive and special coastal areas to offshore drilling.