Cargill is the leading importer of palm oil, which is destroying rainforests . Cargill owns their own palm oil plantations and is buying palm oil from some of the worst suppliers in Southeast Asia. They've been caught polluting waterways, taking land from local communities, destroying rainforests, environment and killing animals . Many of America's biggest food companies buy palm oil from Cargill, so their palm oil is in much of America's foods.
Showing up in a variety of consumer goods, palm oil is cheap, versatile, and incredibly lucrative. To give you an idea of how huge palm oil is: consider that this particular oil accounts for one-third of vegetable oil consumed world wide, equaling out to a steep 50 million metric tons per year.
Like palm oil, soy is an incredibly versatile crop that is produced in enormous quantities to meet a variety of needs. Like palm oil, soy can be found in consumer goods from peanut butter, to chocolate; however, the majority of soy is grown for animal feed. American livestock consume over 30 million tons of soybean meal every year. It is important to note the high-stakes Cargill has in the beef industry.
Indigenous peoples who depend on forests have had their land encroached upon by Cargill-linked soy plantations in Brazil. They have been forced off of their traditional lands and have experienced sharp increases in cancer, birth defects, miscarriages, and other illnesses linked to pesticides and herbicides used to grow soy – often sprayed by planes directly overhead.
Cargill is one of the top ten polluters in the US food industry for more than a dozen pollutants, including formaldehyde, lead, asbestos, hydrogen cyanide, and mercury.
What you can do:
Being an aware and informed consumer is essential in our globalized world. Seeing the connection between the products we purchase, and the negative environmental impact that even a single ingredient – such as soy – can have, opens up an enormous window for change. It is time we stood up as consumers and held Cargill accountable for their actions.
Dont buy Products that contain Palmoil- List of Palm Oil-Names:
"Cargill has only gotten away with its bad behavior for so long because it is not a consumer-facing brand. But if folks knew the food they get at McDonald's, Stop & Shop, or Target was destroying the rainforests or had been produced with child slavery, they'd be shocked"-said Mighty Earth Senior Director for Forests Mat Jacobson
Urge Cargill to stop forest destruction for Palm oil and soy!
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