"More than 350 elephants have died in northern Botswana in a mysterious mass die-off described by scientists as a "conservation disaster"," reported The Guardian.
Add your name if you want to save these magnificent creatures, while we still can!
"A cluster of elephant deaths was first reported in the Okavango Delta in early May, with 169 individuals dead by the end of the month.
"By mid June, the number had more than doubled, with 70% of the deaths clustered around waterholes, according to local sources who wish to remain anonymous.
""This is a mass die-off on a level that hasn't been seen in a very, very long time. Outside of drought, I don't know of a die-off that has been this significant," said Dr Niall McCann, the director of conservation at UK-based charity National Park Rescue," according to the same source.
And the worst part is, the government of Botswana is doing almost nothing to help.
"The Botswana government has not yet tested samples so there is no information on what is causing the deaths or whether they could pose a risk to human health. The two main possibilities are poisoning or an unknown pathogen," said the same source.
If we don't do something NOW, Botswana's precious elephants could disappear forever.
That's why we're asking Philda Kereng, Botswana's Minister of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism, to take charge of this issue.
Don't you want to do your part to help save Botswana's elephants?
Then add your name to ask Botswana's Minister of Environment to do whatever it takes within their government to stop the mass elephant die-off!