Justice for hit and run incidents for animals
Everyday reckless drivers run over helpless creatures. Whether it's a beloved pet or a wild animal they are being killed or injured and the people cause this are just driving off with not a care about it. Four beloved cats that I truly loved have been affected by drivers speeding or just being plain reckless; three of these cats were killed by this the other was left with only three legs.
Not only are pets being affected by are driving but British wildlife are too. If you go on a long car journey more than likely you will see at least 3 dead animals on the side of the road, whether it's a deer, a fox or a badger.
I have a great concern for the well being of are animals. Most of us have pets in the family imagine if you found your family pet dead in the road,you'd be devastated. So why is it we don't take any precaution to make sure that there are no animals in the road and go slow enough to make sure no animal does get injured. Animals have rights so why is it that people get away freely when they've just stolen a life. It's not fair.
So I want to give the animals the rights they deserve. I think that if someone gets caught running an animal over they should be fined and have points put on there license.
So please sign this petition and get are beloved animals the justice they deserve.
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