Free College Tuition for ALL!!!

In 2018, The United States National defense budget was just shy of $700 billion. The 2019 defense budget has been approved and is expected to increase to $716 billion. It almost seems as if we have extra money to spend on wars but When Sen. Bernie Sanders proposed the idea of free education for all, he was told that it would break the bank and it would be burdensome. There is currently 70 percent of college student graduates with a significant amount of loans. Over 44 million Americans collectively hold nearly $1.5 trillion in student debt. That means that roughly one in four American adults are paying off student loans. Now Some would say that there is no money to be made in allowing free education for all, some say it would increase the deficit, it's too costly and where would we get the money? The truth is we have the money, we just aren't using it wisely. It's simple, for starters college tuition would actually only cost a fraction of our national defense spending budget, If we were to decrease the defense spending budget we could use that money to pay for free college tuition, or we could simply tax the rich , and make them pay their fair share in taxes . Let's impose a tax of a fraction of a percent of Wall Street speculators, in fact doing this would fully fund the 75 billion free education program. Statistics show we would actually be saving money and investing in our country, which would honestly be lucrative for the U.S because if we invest in our people they will invest in us, this means more jobs, more entrepreneurs and a huge boost in our economy and less jobs shipped overseas, and more people would have money to spend on American products. The United States used to be #1 in college graduation rates we are now #10. In order to understand why this is we must look at the past. In the 40s 50s 60s and 70s college was affordable and in some states, some colleges offered free post secondary education. Because of this, the economy started to boom, people started buying cars, clothes, houses, businesses which fueled our economy. Many of the big companies that exist now were created by people who attained a higher but affordable education. By investing in our people the United States actually BENIFITED from this reciprocity ten fold. By signing this petition, you are acknowledging that this country should not deprived of its highest potential just because its people can't afford a higher education. Please, Let's  invest in its people so we can invest invest in our country .

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