Hertz, Stop false reporting people for theft!

  • by: Timothy Jun
  • recipient: Stephen M. Scherr, CEO of The Hertz

If you rent a car in America, which company do you rent from? 

If you're currently using or thinking about using HertzI have to warn you: DO NOT USE HERTZ! 

Website of Hertz Victims

I've discovered a terrible secret regarding Hertz, an American Car Rental company. 

Since 2019, Hertz has been embroiled in a mounting controversy where numerous reports have emerged of Hertz falsely accusing its customers of having stolen automobiles that were under an active rental agreement. Many of the victims report having been arrested in full view of their families and at gunpoint. Victims report loss of licensure, professional credentials, and employment while their falsely filed felonies languish through the system, depriving them of income and their rights. Victims report being jailed for months before being released.

And...this is an ongoing issue right now. 

Recent Video about Hertz

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Hertz is putting innocent people into jail, and their lives are destroyed. They lose their jobs, license, and everything is taken away. Worse, Hertz NEVER apologized to the countless victims around America. Instead, they put pathetic excuse for this disaster: 

"The vast majority of these cases involve renters who were many weeks or even months overdue returning vehicles and who stopped communicating with Hertz well beyond the scheduled due date.

"Situations where vehicles are reported to the authorities are very rare and happen only after exhaustive attempts to reach the customer. " 

This is NOT an acceptable reason to file a report about car theft. This is basically, blaming the victims, and we know Hertz never tried to reach the customers to solve the problem. They should have solved the problem without calling the cops. 

Francis Alexander Malofiy, an attorney, made an online petition to alert about this issue, but I also decided to join efforts to put an end to Hertz's heinous act. 

Hertz's outrageous act of reporting over hundreds of customers as car theft is putting innocent people in jeopardy.

Many people, like Blacks and minorities, have to fear getting shot by the cops. 

Police officers waste their time and resources to catch the car thief, only to realize they got someone completely innocent. 

People's lives are destroyed, losing everything they had, and Hertz shows no care and morals. 

If we ignore this, the next victim might be your friends, your family, or worse...yourself. 

Francis Alexander Malofiy stated:

"Hertz knows that its systems and policies are broken — and that it cannot track its cars, rental extensions, or payments — but its directors and officers have calculated that, instead of fixing the issues, it is far easier to make a false report and use the police as a taxpayer-funded repo service.

Now the corporation has declared bankruptcy while giving those same directors and officers millions of dollars in bonuses. 

Hertz is hoping that its evil conduct will be lost in the pandemic and that the lives it has destroyed will be forgotten." 

Hertz is still in the business while throwing innocent people into the hands of authorities and jail. We can't let Hertz continue their atrocious act. 

As I write this, I can tell clearly: Hertz will NEVER see a penny from me, and I will NEVER have any business with Hertz. I hope you can also follow it, and try to rent the cars from other companies, instead of risking your life with Hertz. 

It's up to the public to let Hertz know that, in today's day and age, it won't get away with this.

Sign now and raise your voice, and let the whole of America and the world know about Hertz's heinous act. 

Update #11 years ago
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