Why Is the World Silent on Sudan? Act Now for Justice and Peace!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: United Nations Security Council

Since April 2023, the deadly conflict in Sudan has unleashed severe human rights violations, displacing millions and pushing the region toward a humanitarian catastrophe. The reality is so horrific, that Doctors Without Borders reports that a child dies every two hours from malnutrition in displacement camps. We have one question: where is the outrage? While crises like Gaza and Ukraine have rightfully received significant attention and funding, Sudan, with 25 million in dire need, receives far less.

While a ceasefire between the two fighting factions (the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces) must happen immediately, there are international players quietly escalating the violence: foreign countries illegally supplying weapons to Sudan. Despite a UN arms embargo, Iran and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are allegedly providing the two warring factions with military weapons. 

Sign the petition to demand the United Nations Security Council sanction the UAE and Iran to stop supplying military equipment to Sudan!

Currently, sanctions and enforcement of the arms embargo are some of the main requests by Sudanese pro-peace organizations. These arms suppliers are not only breaking international laws, but also helping fuel a conflict where neither side is innocent. In their struggle for power, both the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces have broken international laws resulting in massive civilian casualties. 

With nearly 756,000 people facing catastrophic food shortages, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and possible genocide, the international community must take decisive action. It's time to show up for Sudan.

Sign this petition to urge the United Nations to take action in Sudan and sanction the countries supplying weapons to this brutal war!

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